A New Car - 2018
The Neonatal Outreach Service offers support, advice and monitoring for the first two - six weeks post discharge. It is an extension of the Neonatal Service. The Neonatal Outreach Service operates five days a week, from 8am - 4.3Opm. With two full time nurses and two vehicles.
An outreach nurse will visit usually on the day after discharge, two days later, and then five days later. She will weigh the baby and offer her neonatal expertise during this transition period. Graduates of the neonatal unit require growth monitoring with feeding guidance, dressings, oxygen saturation monitoring, home oxygen supply, and surgical follow up. Should there be any problems, then the outreach nurse is available to spend more time with families if necessary.
Since 2000 the trust has provided a vehicle for one of the outreach nurses. Recently the vehicle was required to be updated and a late model Suzuki Swift was purchased from "Lease Direct" for the neonatal service, outreach nurse.