2017 Travel Scholarship
The information gained will support this nurse's study, she is studying at the University of Otago and her research proposal for her thesis is Neonatal Nurses’ attitudes, knowledge and practice of skin-to-skin care for low birth weight infants, in New Zealand Neonatal Care Units.
Many neonatal intensive care units worldwide have adapted the kangaroo mother care intervention and have implemented protocols and guidelines for practice of intermittent or continuous skin-to-skin contact. Regular skin-to-skin contact with a primary care giver is the mainstay of the kangaroo mother care intervention.
A lack of published data exists of neonatal nurses’ knowledge attitudes and practice of kangaroo care or skin-to-skin contact in New Zealand Neonatal intensive care units and special care nurseries. Using a quantitative approach this study aims to provide and benchmark data pertaining to neonatal nurses’ attitudes, knowledge and practices of skin-to-skin contact for low birth weight infants in New Zealand, as well as highlight potential barriers to an essential component of family centred developmentally supportive care to maintain and promote infant well-being.
She also intends to use her knowledge in compiling guidelines within the NICU and will be promoting KC within the NICU.